
Issue of PC Gamer UK

Seriously? guys listen, remove the new combat system and replace it with the old one. Then maybe ill play again.
 Comments on any post made by Runescape are always hilarious. People yelling at eachother because the version the other person likes is the worse version of the game. Just play whatever the hell version you like. Calling someone a 'nostalgiafag' Is just stupid and uncalled for.So how about your PC? Do there are some problems? Do you still buy runescape accounts online? Do you feel it is good to do so?
 Im surprised Game Informer even chose to write about it. What they should be writing about is Elder Scrolls Online and Watch Dogs or something like that.
like Jaye Johnson said, no ones got time for that because they don't want to.If you want to sell rs accounts online, firt you need to make sure that there is no problem for your PC.

