don't understand why it's being labeled as RS3. I can see VERY minimal
difference in graphics between the beta and the game as it is now and
changing the interface doesn't make it an updated game. They've just
switched code from java to HTML5 and made a few things slightly more
hi-res. It was still RS2 with EOC, why is it RS3 now? They are prepping the old system for larger and more powerful updates to come. But it's not a new game by any means. I
love constant updates. But I'm in the gaming industry, and this is bad
business. Runescape had a good quest system, unique play experience. On
top of that, it was funny as hell time to time. But everything I loved
about the game is gone now. It plays like most MMOs. you just mash a
hotkey system until the thing dies. Im not saying old is better, but Im
saying original is better. They took a step towards what everyone else
is doing, and that's not why I played runescape.
Am I the only one who liked the old combat system because it was relaxing and I could get on with other things whilst I did it?Exactly,
it had flaws. Doesn't mean it should have been scrapped for some cookie
cutter combat system that a ton of other games had. They should have
just made it better, and more modernized.When I want just to take it easy, I toggle on Momentum. And hey, it doesn't require 100% adrenaline or any at all.