most male gear in rs looks like it was designed for girls anyhow lol. Krills battle gear, Bandos, Arma, infinity etc etc.All
the lower tiers like rune have loinclothes for gods sake, Yet the plate
skirts look more suitable for a dude. But anything to try make you be
members to upgrade slightly for that Dragon armour.I'm sorry to have started an EoC rant on this photo. I love it by the way
Would be a good idea for a demon to runescape account.Just not of Nex's strength, hmm? my children quit RS cause they didn't like the old combat system. They haven't played since EOC.
Look all i ask is please consider rs2 to make come back or i bet ill get 3 qaurters of your real players to quit till you do so. Everyone just chill the yelps down!Buy
a fluffy chinchompa today at the general store! Look after the little
blighter and don't forget to feed and water him. They grow like spring
onions if you don't watch out too.selling runescape should like release it into the game somehow buuuuut you first have
to kill nex once or 20-30 of the other GENERALS not minions and make
sure you can bank before you fight this monster ... and plzzzz make 10 -15+ players a requrement oh and btw eoc is awsome!! love it so far keep up the good work jagex