
my character Range 4 Luv was banned from RS

Jagex, my character Range 4 Luv was banned from RS for "botting" which I have never done in my life i've been trying to reach you guys any way I can and I'm not getting through. If you read this I would appreciate some help thanks.dude wtf i don't bot this is bullcrap I think i was picked up as a bot because I mined 500 p ess to craft into law runes. i was in the middle of crafting my laws when my account was disabled.Upgrading the baby troll should be a mini quest series, and at the end you can get another baby troll.Is it just me or does the baby look like a pickmen?sell rs accounts.i was wondering what happens if they take away bots because they the people who farm mass amounts of trees,fish,bones,etc what would that do to the grand exchange and how would that effect the economic side of runescape. i think it would make everything in the grand exchange hard to get and maybe even more expensive like a recent example hard leather boots sky rocketed to 6k about 3 days ago because there were not alot in the grand exchange.

I believe she was referring that the nearly 20,000 41st version finally being retired, and the new, 42nd version being opened. As you can see, it's a sticky post. I'm pretty sure that's what she was referring to.Today my friend said putting egg in my hair would help it grow healthy and strong, so she violated my personal space today to do that. The whole day, even after washing, it has smelled eggy. What do you guys think the teir 11 Equipment is made from? Everything has a source, but where does Primal, Saggittarian and celestial items come from? I have a fourm on the future fourms about it if you wanna check it out.Also you claim Zamorak is evil.buy gold rs. In a time where all the gods should have a valid viewpoint and not be considered good or evil I dislike this even though in character I agree with the fact that he is evil. This is almost as bad as his in game followers (excluding Evil Dave) calling him evil. Nobody thinks of themselves is evil. Else they wouldn't be doing it. Except Evil Dave ofc.

