
if you were a follower of this "evil" order

if you were a follower of this "evil" order, would you consider yourself to be the bad guy, or the others apposing you?Bring Out The Four Horseman why is there only death bring out the other 3 into the game.Now that is something I would love to see Then again, horses are considered mythical creatures in Gielinor! I have also noticed that once mods have started to become more rare the community has gone down hill. everyone back in 05-08 were so friendly and they could help you with almost anything. while today you will get ragged at if you're training a skill and slowing someone else down by a bit, or ignored.buy gold rs. people have become plain rude (people say jagex has ruined runescape, the sad truth is that the community has done just as much if not worse then jagex).
The team did take a sizable hit but it is growing. You say the community took a downward spiral after you noticed the p-mods disappeared. They didn't disappear.Jagex gave the community exactly what they wanted. Funny how people claim that Jagex doesn't listen. The community claimed were mature we don't need the hand holding. So Jagex gave us what we wanted most. A world without the p-mods. They turned the team into cheeerleaders and said let them take care of themselves.Basically, for those of you who don't know, the Squeal of Fortune is a wheel you can spin twice daily, for free st00fs, allegedly such as godswords and spirit shields, with the most expensive items being untradeable .

