
Bring back the old level up message in the chat box

I wish there was a auto mine the living rock creatures after you kill them that you unlock with slayer points in the same way you get the deliver killing blows quicker. It would be something i could spend my points on besides death runes and canceling task plus it would make the task go a bit quicker. You can trade runescape accounts here, go and have a try.

Bring back the old level up message in the chat box, it gives you more time for making a screenshot!  I have a few, Chat that should be filtered: All of the text that pops up when burning vyrewatches, and opening the wall chests (PS coins from wall chests don't go straight into money pouch) The message that pops up when pack yak sends an item to the bank. This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. Other stuff: "Your aura has depleted" Should be made more noticeable. Rock Hammer for slayer should be added to toolbelt. Lastly, as I saw somewhere else, make skills page default to everything.

Stalls should have bear hide covering top of stall unlike the rest of stall traders. Fur trader is selling furs don't see a point of that fur stall using cloth to cover top of traders stall. Please make the tool leprechaun at Herblore Habitat be able to note herbs from the habitat. Sometimes I run out of inventory space when I'm picking herbs from Herblore Habitat. I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. I use a juju farming potion so I can't just go and bank them and pick the rest later, because my potion will run out, so I have to drop a staff or destroy my ectophial to make space (I have those things to get to other farming patches).


They are still on the skill advance table lvl 84

So it makes sense to me, please allow request assist message to appear even though I turn off Assist. This will be very helpful for those who wants their right click assist option off but assisting other people. The Drakan Medallion obtained from the Branches of Darkmeyer quest makes some of the shortcut rewards from the Burg De Rott Ramble less valuable. Are you looking for runescape account? I can recommend a reliable place to you. I hope that the rewards are updated in order to add more value to the acheivements gained through the minigame.

Add "Dig" option to Clue scroll, so it's possible to use Spade in Toolbelt in Treasure Trails. Add where to find hunter animals on the skill advance guide for hunter. For example: Common Kebbit Information found in Woodland areasThe old skill advance guide had this information, and new players need to know where to look, and old players might have forgotten where some types of kebbits are found since there are so many types of them. You can sell runescape accounts here. Recover special potions are made with super energy potions and papaya. They are still on the skill advance table lvl 84 herblore to make them. I use them sometimes, and I used them in the The Void Stares Back quest to help me beat the Pest queen.

While we are talking about potions, why are Serum 207 potions not tradeable? Make them tradeable again, people use them after the quest and there is no reason they should not be tradeable like they used to be. I want
runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. Also, make all untradeables notable so they can be dropped. Its annoying to have 500+ or 5000+ of something and not be able to note them, and have to drop them one at a time.


It doesn't have to be specific, just that something has changed

It doesn't have to be specific, just that something has changed. If you don't want the messages anymore go back to Xuan to have them turned off. What? Some people like a good sale. make it so i can right click varrock teleport after varrock diaries. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? sometimes i want to tele to exchange sometimes i want to tele to xuan.same for house portal

When you get extra tree seeds from the Scroll of Life, it shows a message in the chatbox, but it doesn't for herb seeds. It'd be really helpful if one was added, because then I'd know I had an extra one because of the scroll and not because I'd forgotten to plant one. Are you looking for runescape account? I can recommend a reliable place to you. Two ideas that came to mind: The names of each aura should have 'Aura' in the name, e.g. Reverence Aura, Call of the Sea Aura - I keep several auras in my bank and having this naming convention would make it easier to find them using the bank search feature.

I would like it if the Ring of Life-type setting on the Ferocious Ring could be toggled on or off as there are some situations that I'd rather let myself get low hp and be able to heal up without being teleported out - e.g soul splitting on low health after overloading, using dharok's armour set, accidently sipping overload twice while praying... I want
runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. The new forum Update is making the numbers of the bottom of the thread crunch together, so if for instance a sticky thread has a lot of pages, all the numbers are together, making it hard to see and click on.


I love the new Dungeoneering skill

I love the new Dungeoneering skill, now that I've actually tried it out. Yeah, it took me a while to get to it (I got to level/complexity 6 this weekend, not having ever tried it before)... runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? There are only a couple quick fixes that would make it much more enjoyable for me without changing any of the intended rules.

Two of the eight dungeons I have started ended in an unintentional disconnect, the first stating that RuneScape had been updated, and the last one seems to have been an internet hiccup. Both times, I had already explored most of the dungeon, having been in the dungeon for 3-4 hours. It would be extremely considerate if Dungeoneering sessions were kept even just an hour after a non-logoff disconnection (even across servers, because I normally don't specify a server). You can go to this place to
sell rs accounts. Traditionally, accidental disconnects have borne significant weight in combat only, but now it can seem to erase hours of work in a solo dungeon.

In my last dungeon, shortly before the accidental disconnect, I had just noticed that while resource stacks in the start room—and throughout the dungeon—seem intended not to de-spawn, they are also limited to about 100-120 items throughout the dungeon, presumably due to memory issues. It occurs to me that most of the items I stack are really the same items, stacked on the tables because I don't have a bank available. I want
runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. l can think of two simple solutions, either of which would mitigate this problem: Alternatively, offering a Dungeonheim bank in the starting room that gets deleted when a user moves on to the next dungeon could reduce the likelihood that the limit is reached.


There are many issues surrounding scamming, gambling, gold farming

There are many issues surrounding scamming, gambling, gold farming etc and much has already been done to improve the gaming experience. People are looking for runescape accounts for sell here. Reinstitutuing a trade limit, similiar to a previous version, tied to the time two players have been friends would go along ways towards further redcuing these issues and improving the gaming experience. 

I would suggest something a kin to 50K trade limit, except between friends whose friendhsip has been in place for 30 days. This would stop a lot of scamming, gambling, farming etc that still takes place. It would not effect activities in the wildy or at duel arena etc. Look for
cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. Additionally, most programming code should already be avaialable as trade limits based upon length of friendships have already been in existence. Having just one level and amout ie a fixed number of days and a set amount would make it easy to understand etc. 

Could you please add another way to move? such as using they arrow keys? I hate clicking the mouse to move. If you are using magic while dungeoneering and die, your autocast gets cleared. The autocast should stay selected.Similarly, when you start a dungeon if you had an autocast on in the previous dungeon, it should be on in the next dungeon. This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. This would be really helpful for c1 rushes for mages because it is annoying to click autocast at the start of every dungeon.Also, I dislike the lack of consistency of the regular spellbook spells being left-click autocast on the surface, but right-click autocast in dungeoneering.


I want the option to have multiple ability bars shown at once

Thank you! I'd like this to be added as well. My biggest concern with EoC was the limited slots on the action bar, and I was very much hoping the new interface would address this.. Look for cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. Looked through the first 18 pages and was very puzzled/disappointed that there was no mention until yours. :)Also, the ability to zoom further out would be nice..

Disappointed how I didn't get access to the alpha considering the rather large amount of playing time I put into the EoC beta and how i'd imagine an account with my certain set of stats is rather rare in comparison to other accounts. This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. Not to mention my computer, an i7 3770k with a Radeon HD 7970 Ghz Ed. GPU but whatever :L hopefully i'll get in next time I guess..?

One thing i would really like to see from the new interface is the option to have multiple ability bars shown at once.

Often when using a shield i find myself out of space for all of the abilities i want, not to mention adding food and potions to the bar to keep my inventory closed

Currently it is also pretty annoying, in my opinion, to switch between weapons or even combat styles, because i have a different ability bar for 2-handed melee, 1 handed melee/Shield, and dual wielding. People are
looking for runescape accounts for sell here. So in order to switch weapons (not even combat styles yet) i would have to open my inventory, click the one or two items i want to equip, and then remember which ability bar i need to use.


I will invest more time in the alpha going forward

You can log out by pressing the esc key and the menu will pop up. Hope that helps. As for my thoughts, I like the idea of a customizable interface. I'm not completely fond of how the bank looks now, but I can live with it. All in all, You can go to this place to sell rs accounts. thanks for this opportunity Jagex!

As a gold member, was able to log in and do a quick look around on this interface alpha. First impressions are LOVE it. This is going to be one of the best updates to the game in my mind. I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. A few suggestions off the top of my head, I will invest more time in the alpha going forward. I don't want to be the guy who didn't vote, but later has lots to say about the end result.


1. I agree with AlbiusPercivia above about zooming in and out of minimap would be nice.

2. I also agree with him about the not being able to zoom out enough to look around, I know when it merges with html5 later this will probably be solved, but for me and my computer, I may be stuck with java for a while.

3. Game Filter. I noticed a nice option on the adventurer log where you can choose what you'd like announced on it. Thanks for that. But can you do this for Game Filter. This is a trustable platform to
sell rs accounts. There are many things I find useful about the Game notices, but also many i find very...unnessary or spamful that I would very much to like to do away with. Maybe you can make Game filter more tweakable?