
I earned my scythe playing back then

almong this is for you i am glad you got banned for botting you stupid idiot and deserve your ban i hate bots with a passion and i had to cancel slayer tasks because of bots while you stupid botters was stealing the game away from legit people like me you really are scum of the earth you louse.  to jagex are you going to drop them in eoc part of rs. I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. Why have them drop all around the server in a pointless way if you're just going to bring them with the Halloween event anyway?

Stupid. I earned my scythe playing back then, it defeats the purpose to rerelease them. it's not like these are coming into the real rs game. Too hard to get, someone knows a good spot!?  Is this the first holiday item to be dropped so far?  what lvl do you need to wear it of isnt it a attack weopon ? It's interesting that today happens to be the seventh anniversary of the 6/6/6 massacre. You can go to this place to sell runescape account. I've had one since the VERY ORIGINAL Runescape, and carried it over in the very first update. Well, I don't feel very special anymore.

12 year vet can even still remember first ever account. Once a bot always a bot. There is one in the swan song fishing colony right now... been here 5 minutes. world 369 – conelbeano. dislike. these items use to be sacred. now what are they ? runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? whats next ? bunny ears dropping? and mine from 03 will be garbage? maybe this is why i only played from 1999-2006

