
There are many issues surrounding scamming, gambling, gold farming

There are many issues surrounding scamming, gambling, gold farming etc and much has already been done to improve the gaming experience. People are looking for runescape accounts for sell here. Reinstitutuing a trade limit, similiar to a previous version, tied to the time two players have been friends would go along ways towards further redcuing these issues and improving the gaming experience. 

I would suggest something a kin to 50K trade limit, except between friends whose friendhsip has been in place for 30 days. This would stop a lot of scamming, gambling, farming etc that still takes place. It would not effect activities in the wildy or at duel arena etc. Look for
cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. Additionally, most programming code should already be avaialable as trade limits based upon length of friendships have already been in existence. Having just one level and amout ie a fixed number of days and a set amount would make it easy to understand etc. 

Could you please add another way to move? such as using they arrow keys? I hate clicking the mouse to move. If you are using magic while dungeoneering and die, your autocast gets cleared. The autocast should stay selected.Similarly, when you start a dungeon if you had an autocast on in the previous dungeon, it should be on in the next dungeon. This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. This would be really helpful for c1 rushes for mages because it is annoying to click autocast at the start of every dungeon.Also, I dislike the lack of consistency of the regular spellbook spells being left-click autocast on the surface, but right-click autocast in dungeoneering.

