As was warned, loading times and a bit of
lag are experienced BUT - the view from the top of the Wizards Tower
- awesome! Graphically, noticed a huge difference - not so much gameplay-wise
as I haven't really been brave enough to try some of the more challenging tasks
out there, what with the slight lag and all... You can go to this place to sell rs
accounts. Will be keen to see how this develops
over the coming weeks/months.
I played in the RS3 client for a
little bit, it looks promising! I want runescape
accounts for sale, and am looking for places to
buy. Can't wait till it is optimized for better performance! Shame the long
standing members who pay by credit card get over looked by the people who may
buy members once in awhile to get the freebies we don't get 
or who bought members to get
access to the beta RS3...disgusting as usual.

Logged in last night and must say the new
graphics do look incredible. Managed to get everything on its highest setting
and maintain a pretty decent FPS - looking across the dessert with full draw
distance, bloom effects and the water effects on some of the nearby streams
were really impressive.
With this only in beta at the moment, really looking forward to greater optimisation to help improve the initial load times when teleporting around. As some people have already stated, the performance improves the longer you are in-game for, I'm guessing when a lot more of the shaders have had time to spool up. This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. Very impressed! The desert look particularly awesome. Slight lag and slow shader loading as would be expected after logging in. Also the camera panning is painfully slow! Otherwise looks great!
With this only in beta at the moment, really looking forward to greater optimisation to help improve the initial load times when teleporting around. As some people have already stated, the performance improves the longer you are in-game for, I'm guessing when a lot more of the shaders have had time to spool up. This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. Very impressed! The desert look particularly awesome. Slight lag and slow shader loading as would be expected after logging in. Also the camera panning is painfully slow! Otherwise looks great!