
I think the worth of a single 99 is worth twentyfold the amount

Honestly, I think the worth of a single 99 is worth twentyfold the amount of a...Let's say level 90 WoW character. And that's directly based on how many level 90 WoW characters I have vs how many level 99s I have. Or would you rather have people maxing characters in a few months time? If you want to sell runescape accounts, you can go there, it is reliable. why would anyone walk round in a runescape T shirt its like wearing a T shirt saying, 'Hey I'm fat, ugly and a virgin'.

Wow! The OLD Logo, when RuneScape was still RUNESCAPE and not this mess of microtransactions and ruined combat... Sheesh... Feel like I'm trapped in ScapeRune and Evil Bob is outsourcing the RS team to Electronic Arts... 2013 rs: Jagex, i only want ask that , are you serious? Here are runescape accounts selling advice for you. There was a nice minigame to do for nice fish xp and a great reward called tackle box, and you now killed the whole thing, nice!-.- "lol Paul... U hit the mark... WoW is way to easy. But for all u rs haters... The trolls.... I suggest u try out WoW. Waste a cupple hundred on a truely crappy game. And then we see how much trash you talk

I personally enjoy eoc. It makes the combat more lively, it is more intelligent and correct sequencing plus timing weigh more than level. It is something that Jagex should keep developing despite all the hates as one day it will be truly enjoyable and not wow-like. Have rs accounts for sale, do you have interest? What ruins runescape is sof in which rwt occurs and runescape has turned into a pay-to-win game.

