
How many people do you expect to quit runescape?

How many people do you expect to quit runescape, selling runescape accounts ? Not many at all actually. Anyone stupid enough to quit a game because of a graphics update, never cared for the game in the first place, and the game will be much better off without them! Many will say they are, or that they have, but very few will.

Is this going to be a continuation of Runescape 2 or are players going to make entirely new accounts?  Idk what you have been reading/looking at but you will be able to transfre everything over. It has been on the Homepage of runescape for forever now. That and the Mods that post on here have stated it multiple times. Even in the forums.

Will it feature evolution of combat? I'm just wondering about playing again. Yes I'd love to sport my 99 agility still but I guess I’m going to have to grow some and become accustom to EoC. This picture really sums it all up, doesn't it?

 Childhood ruined. Still have lifetime membership and runescape gold for sale, checked the other day. No desire to play runescape now though. Take off your nostalgia glasses. The past is the past, no need to dwell in it. If you don't like Runescape anymore, then unlike the page. Only the weird looking ones still hanging around this game, like above.

Lol at first I thought this picture was going to say a joke about them but I guess the joke is RuneScape3.

