was trying to play today, lol my second time really playing in two
months since EOC release, doing slayer assignment... iron dragons and
kept seeing your shield is already full and no means to use the stored
charge, very odd.Is
it, Evelyn? I suppose it's good for a low-level who wants to use a
setup allowing for shield abilities, I hadn't thought of that, but
arcanes and spectrals are pretty cheap these days.buy runescape accounts.I
could shut runescapes servers down in an hour that a better threat?
Besides funorb hasn't been touched since 09 no one finds that bs?please
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far as them being specials not really sure I agree...with the weapons
specials I could use them any time I wanted...no waiting till the build
up...not that I would want to but they were there if I wanted them.
Seem to be a real equivalent between abilities and specials there would
need to be one spot the highlights when a particular weapons is
equipped and could be used at any time and not based on adrenaline.I
tried it because I was watching another lvl 200 doing steels and he was
not wielding a shield.sell runescape accounts.so I though he must be using only super
antifires with a staff instead of masterwand and shield...I was
wrong...man the fire from dragons hits hard.