
there would be plenty of players

Also there would be plenty of players, more that enough to support the project in fact I would gamble to say it would outpace the income of the current system..Carl what I will agree to if it not that you are "right" it is you are head strong, because my money would be that if there was the old servers "Runescape 2 Classic" you too would go play too especially if you could play between the two games.also I know you miss the specials from time to time as well.There really would never be enough new players to justify doubling the size of the entire team.sell runescape accounts.It is just not a feasible plan.Maybe Jagex wouldn't have to ignore their players if Runescape didn't have the worst online community of ANY GAME.

i have banned acc from 6/1 /2013 till now yesterday i found this acc log in then log out and i cant log in this acc who can log in this acc any jagex mod can answer me,my acc name (mr gmk)I have to say that I am glad that they seem to be fixing some of the combat for training. You can now actually hit something without having to use abilities and the monsters weakness for the low level monsters. Now a cow will not kill me.buy gold rs.lol just kidding about the cow btw. but hopefully more work will be done on the tweaking so that we can train a skill without having everything's weakness be a water spell.

