take away the PVP achievement! I've suffered through all the rest.
Those people don't want me there & I don't want to be there.Why do the achievements have to have PvP? I'm on a non PvP server cause I don't wanna do it. Its not fair to us non pvpers.I have most of them but the ones I don't have will just have to wait. Ain't nobody got time for that. just for those who are avid pet battlers, the wolvar pup seems to perform the best in battle.This
is the only world event I need to get the meta rs gold .Been
missing out on Children's week since they introduced it. I usually get
tired of wow at the time children's week starts xD Next year.I thought I had them all.but I better check, since it'll be a whole year before I can get another.
will they make a vanilla wow server.with just the original 1-60
areas...going on runs to pick up flight paths was a rite of passage at
lvl 10 i did with all my toons.they kind of emasculated the game when
they handed everything to everyone.or monty hall-ed alot of
content not to say that there arent any tough spots.where to buy runescape accounts.but thats all end
game stuff and its a long walk to the the dont have to have the biggest mount or the lofties acheivement if you like it or dont but stop whining.should
have pve versions of the [school of hardknocks] achievement. keep pvp
on pvp servers and place pve versions of the achievement on pve servers.