Why does the playstation get an Infernal
Helm and other loot when us PC players have been grinding and grinding and
grinding for crappy drops? NO ONE WILL BUY THAT! So start to care for the
little pc users that you have left! Diablo III big delusion... only money for
Nowadays game concept getting worst and
boring. Or the thousandth time, it's a Diablo fan page, not a D3 only fanpage. For
the thousandth time, it's a Diablo fan page, not a D3 only fanpage. Diablo III
was the most monumental disappointment in PC gaming history, many players ask diablo 3
accounts for sale. I think you're forgetting Mr.
Nukem, but it's a close race to the bottom. True but the difference is I
actually expected D3 to deliver.
I’m excited for when diablo 3 releases the
paid expansion that lets PC gamers play offline too. lizzard = sellouts.
Instead of allocating the resources spent here to retool the PC game, they are
putting the same beta up on consoles since they know people will buy
it. In sure it's all to "share the diablo experience with more",
but how about making the experience GOOD for your core supporters first?
Would love to play it and buy diablo 3 account with a console controller! I always
thought of that. Why would i want to purchase it on my console, after I beat it
about 3 times on escalating difficulties a year ago? Why would i want to
purchase it on my console, after I beat it about 3 times on escalating
difficulties a year ago?