I think the one we have now takes up to
much of the screen. Jagex should change it to before the update to make the
happier because everyone is haying on the updates so wat is the point of the
updates. Do you really think Jagex would listen to idiots...? do you know where
to buy cheap
runescape accounts? These updates are awesome. Why runescape beta is only
for member can you answer me jagex? Because we pay to play, so they give us the
opportunity to test them out. Buy members then you can too. Beta is a member
bonus. You pay, you get it.
Most of these are better than the winner. I'm
surprised the squeal of fortune interface isn't here... Or we could implement
ALL OF THEM and let players choose! I'm sorry Jagex, but you's have
single-handedly ruined a good game just for profit. The only thing I really
think makes it to easy are the teleport sites being added everywhere. I used to
like runescape for its simplicity, I cant even fight anyone in the duel arena
anymore its so complicated! I used to be lvl 125 now im 197 and i just got
fully owned by a lvl 114.
I used to love runescape! Now when I go
online sell
runescape accounts I dont even know how to play anymore. Thats how much the
game has changed! what u want to do do runescape is now noob game it was best
now its bad.